IG: @reannavalentine
Linktree: click here
Fragmented light, life-saving disability, joy and madness​
Hey, Reanna. Describe your work in five words:
Elegantly blunt
Occasionally funny
What can we expect from your upcoming collection?
A journey from familial struggles to giving birth to oneself, with a healthy dose of life-saving disability, joy and madness.​
It's definitely the innermost narrative of my life to date... Go on, be nosy!
Who do you write for?
Anyone who's had a rough time with family / love / society / general existence. We need camaraderie bitches, especially my fellow queers, neurospicies and cripples.​
What do you have on your chips?
BBQ sauce, garlic mayo, chilli sauce, ketchup... At least four things at any one time - I'm a condiment queen.​
Mad Again is out in May
previous works
Fragmented Light
Self-published, 2023
Written in collaboration with Carolyn Reed - Reanna's grandmother
Written across the span of 50 years, these poems passed between a grandmother and grandchild are twined together, becoming an enlightening conversation on family, love and loss.
'A meditation on escaping a marriage, on escaping womanhood, on being guided through life by the sea and the forest. Salty water might not be pleasant in tea, but it
makes for a good place to swim.'
- Loulou, Author, Pink Goo