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The BK Alternative Top 100 Creatives

We at Bent Key were disappointed to see that The Stage magazine chose to amplify the careers, achievements, and voices of mainly cis, heterosexual white men (75%) as part of its 2022 edition of The Stage 100. 

We were especially disappointed to see that the majority of platformed artists were from privileged backgrounds, with a Conservative politician topping the list. Whilst we understand (though do not agree with) the thinking behind these choices, we do not think that amplifying these voices is helping to grow an arts scene that is inclusive and intersectional.


To counter The Stage's list, we asked our supporters to recommend artists whom they felt were deserving of recognition, both for the quality of their art and the opportunities and skills they offer to their local community. The resulting recommendations have become this list.

You are very welcome to use this Alternative Top 100 as a resource to locate workshop facilitators, educational resources, expertise and more. Please follow the artists, give them paid work, amplify their voices and pass on their details to those you feel would benefit.

If you have an artist you would like to suggest for the 2024 Top 100, please email their details to us at We'd love to hear about them.


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